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Sunday, June 30, 2019


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MEDIA ASIA AGENCY · Jakarta selatan · Jakarta 12510 · Indonesia

Saturday, June 29, 2019

DISPENDUKCAPIL kini tidak membutuhkan surat pengantar - pangkas birokrasi rumit Republik Indonesia oleh Presiden Jokowi

*Peraturan Presiden (Perpres) Nomor 98 Tahun 2018*
*yang disahkan pada tanggal 18 Oktober 2018*
menyatakan bahwa pembuatan dokumen kependudukan tidak lagi memerlukan *surat pengantar,* baik dari RT, RW, Kelurahan maupun Kecamatan. Langsung mengurus ke *Dispendukcapil.*
*■ Kartu keluarga (KK) baru :*
Hanya butuh surat nikah dan keterangan pindah alamat bagi anggota baru.
*■ KK perubahan :*
Hanya butuh KK lama dan surat pernyataan perubahan.
*■ E-KTP baru :*
Cukup KK.
*■ Perubahan e-KTP :*
Butuh KK dan surat keterangan pindah.
*■ Akta kelahiran :*
Butuh surat keterangan lahir, buku nikah, KK dan e-KTP.
*■ Akta kematian :*
Hanya butuh surat kematian.
*Tolong di share ya. Birokrasi ruwet udah ngga jaman...🙏🙏😄 ... segera di bantu share untuk kepentingan keluarga anda dan anda sendiri nantinya ...!!!!*

Salam Damai Bali
Om Shanti Shanti Shanti Om

Matur Suksma, Thank You.
Our Best Regards,

Mr. I Gede Putu Sastrawan

Desa Adat Penganggahan, Tengkudak, Kecamatan Penebel,
Kota Tabanan 82512, Bali
Republik Indonesia

WhatsApp / Hp. : +62-81-2939-12345

other Handphone number : +62-81-5588-12345

powered by : GOD

Thursday, June 27, 2019

Sastrawan Bali Consultant - Can You Be Yourself at Work?

Some of great advice from Personality Development.

Best regards,
Mr. I Gede Putu Sastrawan

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Dari: 16Personalities <hi@16personalities.com>
Date: Rab, 26 Jun 2019 19.07
Subject: Can You Be Yourself at Work?
To: <SastrawanBali@gmail.com>

Like it or not, most of us will spend a significant portion of our lives working to earn a living. And working a couple of less-than-desirable jobs seems to be an unavoidable part of finding one's chosen vocation. While poor working conditions, lousy pay, and irritating coworkers can make working hours miserable for anyone, there's another factor that can lead to workplace frustration for many people: personality modifications.

Some types find adjusting their personality to fit their jobs or certain workplace tasks to be easy, while others find it akin to torture. Certain individuals refuse to modify their personality for any reason whatsoever – which can be beneficial or disastrous, depending on the requirements of their jobs.

How are Consuls affected by their occupational environments? Check out our data below:

  • Consuls are the least likely type to say the ways they express their personalities change significantly when they're at work, with just 37% saying so.
  • Consuls are fairly interested in seeking out jobs that require them to go out of their comfort zone, with 39% agreeing.
  • Consuls strongly agree (76%) that people should adapt their personality if it helps them perform their job better, and they themselves find it easy to do that, with 79% in agreement.
  • 63% of Consuls believe their job has had long-term effects on their personality.
  • 75% of Consuls believe that adapting their personalities for work has been beneficial to their personal development.

Consuls can view the workplace as a difficult place to navigate if they aren't willing to modify their behaviors when necessary. Here are some steps that they can take to be the best, most effective version of themselves at work:

  • Trust yourself. It's hard to be authentic if you don't respect yourself. Rather than beating yourself up over perceived weaknesses, focus on identifying and mastering your strengths.
  • Seek balance. Authenticity is a good thing, but being inflexible is not. If you find that you are having difficulty modifying your behaviors at times where it might be beneficial, you may need to work on finding an appropriate balance.
  • Always be improving. This goes for your job-related skills as well as personal development. For example, you can view each interaction with a coworker or client as an opportunity to study human behavior.
  • Ask for feedback. Improvement can happen even faster if you seek out feedback from those you work with on a regular basis. Don't be afraid to ask a trusted manager, coworker or client for feedback on areas you are looking to improve.

How about you? Do you feel like a different, less-than-ideal version of yourself in the workplace? Or is it easy for you to adapt? Let us know!

Until next time,

The 16Personalities Team

If you manage a team (or have an open-minded manager), check out MindTrackers online team assessments. They can help you learn more about your team's personality makeup, communication styles, culture, and other important aspects. More awareness brings more authenticity.

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The “break-up” is official

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On December 24th 2018, Bali's Governor Wayan Koster announced that single-use plastic will be banned in Bali in 2019. The initiative was given six-months to kick in, so that businesses have time to draw up carefully thought through plans, and for all of us to finally put an end to this long-time toxic relationship (literally and figuratively) with plastic.

So this week on June 23rd 2019, the bill was officially implemented, meaning dreaded Styrofoam, plastic bags and plastic straws are now officially prohibited island-wide, aiming to reduce Bali's plastic marine pollution by 70%.

Of course, we can all still enjoy picturesque white sand beaches and breathtaking rice paddies. But the truth is the island has been fighting an environmental crisis that is very obviously littering our island. We cringe when reading how we are still feeding plastic to the fish and turtles. And for those of us living on the frontline in Bali, it feels even more real.

As much as we are thrilled about the bill, we know that there will still be growing pains, for businesses and at home. But this is something we can all support - our generation, and our children's, so we may still call Bali our paradise.

What else can we do to support this? Try the simple acts of installing energy-efficient light bulbs, or recycle, or change your diet to vegan or organic food only, or exercise, because a healthier human being creates a healthier environment. Another way, green fingered or not, you can plant a small tree on your land, talk with your friends about climate change, and explore ways of reducing your daily personal pollution. Or join a cause in a trusted establishment like W Seminyak's green initiative.

Another small act? If you are in Bali this week, do not forget to check our event list to make sure you do not miss anything, and we hope you get to see the small changes following the single-use plastic ban. We are also suggesting you to bring along your own shopping bag, as well as metal straws wherever you go.

Have a great week ahead everyone, and enjoy Bali as you continue to follow us for news and exciting happenings around the island, don't forget to check our What's New Indonesia for Jakarta, Bali, and Bandung happenings.

Thank you for staying in touch with us, and the Island of the Gods.


Tressabel Hutasoit
Editor What's New Bali

Taste: Bubu Seafood & Chinese Restaurant - This perfectly describes Bubu Seafood & Chinese Restaurant because they offer the best seafood as they have the options to choose live seafood from the aquarium. Don't forget to subscribe to our YouTube Channel here!
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PT. INFO MEDIA KREATIF · Perkantoran Buncit Mas Lt. 4 Blok D.1 Jl. Mampang Prapatan Raya No. 108 Mampang Prapatan · Jakarta Selatan 12790 · Indonesia