

"suka tanpawali duka"

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Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Stay Healthy Inside & Out and Stay "Negative"!

Dear Readers,

2021 commenced with a piece of sad news from the aviation world. Sriwijaya Airline SJ 182 flying from Jakarta to Pontianak crashed on Saturday 9 January.  The plane was reported to lose contact just a few minutes after it took off and plunged into the ocean northwest of Jakarta among the Thousand Islands, a popular tourist destination. Investigations to find out the causes of the accidents, as well as search for the victims and one of the two black boxes, are still ongoing now.
Earlier today, though there is still controversy on the Covid-19 vaccines, President Joko Widodo was the first to take the vaccine shot to officially launch Indonesia's Covid-19 vaccination program and was followed by a list of names from the Cabinet's members, and public officers in the high-risk category.
Meanwhile, for the rest of us, stay negative (on your Covid-19 regular test)! Keep yourself and your family healthy by always following the safety and health procedures strictly and always comply with the new social restrictions by the local authorities. Sports and exercises are good for you physically, but having a pet or pets at home may entertain you and they are good for your mental health too. Those who are still longing for a holiday getaway may want to check on what Raffles Bali has to offer as an intimate oasis of well-being or an ideal stay in the city at Harper MT Haryono, and for those going just a little bit further out of the city  you can sample the delectable series of cocktails infused with healthy local beverages' twist at Intercontinental Bandung Dago Pakar while you're staying there.

Stay healthy, inside & out!

Khika Mahardhika Wasana
Managing Director


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"suka tanpawali duka"
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