

"suka tanpawali duka"

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Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Spread Love Not Virus

In the current pandemic situation, let us all together fight the spread of the Covid-19 virus. Indonesia has stepped up its battle against the coronavirus pandemic by launching a national plasma donation campaign. Saving lives by donating convalescent plasma from Covid-19 survivors. You may find further information on this at the official website of the Indonesia Red Cross.
Despite all the social restrictions, they don't restrain us from celebrating love this month. This list of hotels and venues in Jakarta are offering Valentine's Day celebrations but still applying strict health protocols and following the local authority's regulations. So rest assured, your celebration of romance will be safe!
However, if you feel like celebrating it with some exercise, then be sure to check this list of bike-friendly coffee shops and cafes.
Keep spreading love, love yourself the most and remember, love conquers all!


Khika Mahardhika Wasana
Managing Director


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"suka tanpawali duka"
(kebahagiaan abadi)