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PT. INFO MEDIA KREATIF · Perkantoran Buncit Mas Lt. 4 Blok D.1 Jl. Mampang Prapatan Raya No. 108 · Jakarta Selatan 12790 · Indonesia

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Les Siswa Laura - Bahasa Daerah Bali

I. Pangenter Acara

Pangenter Acara yen ring Basa Indonesia kabaos Pembawa Acara. Ring Basa Inggris kabaos Master of Ceremony sane kacutetang dados MC. Pangenter Acara inggih punika jadma sane ngwedarang indik dudonan (eedan) acara sajeroning acara sane kalaksanayang.

Pateh sakadi tata cara makarya pidarta, ring sajeroning makarya teks pangenter acara patut taler kaelingang tur kauningin, sane kaanggen titi pengancan makarya teks pangenter acara inggih punika :

1. Tema
Tema inggih punika unteng pikyunan.

2. Pamahbah
Pamahbah utawi pendahuluan patut madaging :
a. Pujastawa, sane ketahnyane nganggen puja pangastungkara.
b. Matur pangayubagianing manah utawi penghormatan sakadi kruna : kasuciang, kasinggihang, wangiang, kusumayang, mustikayang, baktinin, tresnasihin nganutin linggih, panyuksma, miwah swasti prapta ring sang sane sida rauh ring sajeroning acara.

3. Daging Acara utawi isi
Dudonan acara sane jagi kalaksanayang.

4. Pamuput Acara
Pamuput Acara madaging indik :
a. Panyuksma antuk uratian sang sane miragiang, sang sane sida rauh, miwah sane nagingin acara.
b. Atur pangampura antuk sahanan kakirangan rikala maktayang acara.
c. Pamuput atur, sane ketah nganggen paramsantih.

II. Model Pangantar Acara

Unteng pangenter acara nenten ja sios wantah sang sane nuntun rikala wenten acara resmi utawi acara kanegaraan. Ring sajeroning kawentenan acara, acara sane kabaktayang taler akeh. Wenten acara sane marupa iburan, acara radio, acara televisi, miwah acara seminar. Mawinan asapunika kawentenan wastan pangenter acara taler matiosan-matiosan sakadi :
a. MC (Master of Ceremony)
Istilah pangenter acara puniki ketah kaanggen rikalaning ngemargiang acara resmi utawi nenten resmi sakadi acara hiburan.
b. Presenter (HOST)
Istilah pangenter acara puniki ketah kaanggen rikalaning ngwedarang acara ring media televisi.
c. Penyiar
Istilah pangenter acara puniki ketah kaanggen rikalaning ngwedarang acara ring radio.
d. Moderator
Istilah pangenter acara puniki ketah kaanggen rikalaning ngwedarang acara pabligbagan.

Best Eco Lodges Around Jakarta + Andaz by Hyatt Will Open in Bali!


How was your long independence day weekend? Like we had mentioned last week, it was not the same with previous years at all. In this new normal era of independence day celebration, many of the games went online and done at home.

I bet some of you didn't realize this Thursday is another national holiday! Why not take Friday off, make it another long weekend. We've been checking out these eco-lodges for a while now to for a more likelihood of social distanced weekend getaway from Jakarta.  Think of a quiet place surrounding by nature, beach, green fields, trees, and sometimes even an organic garden where you can pick your own, and enjoy afterward.

We've been also compiling best hotels under 500k in Jakarta, Bandung, and Yogyakarta for your budget stay reference. You'd be seriously surprised what can you get for just a few hundred thousand Rp! Especially now that the hospitality industry is struggling hard because of COVID-19, this is a great chance to keep an eye on these serious deals.

If you're more into luxury stay, here's exciting news: Andaz, a luxury lifestyle concept by Hyatt, will open its first property in the heart of Sanur by the end of this year. This will be the brand's first resort in Asia. Finally, a breath of fresh air to our tourism, right around the time when the government will be most likely to open up its doors to foreign tourists.

Speaking of opening up tourism; earlier last week, Coordinating Maritime Affairs and Investment Minister Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan has mentioned that the government is currently working on regulations for a 'work from Bali' which aims to attract foreign remote workers who want to make Bali their temporary home base for work. However, a Ministry of Tourism official has said this plan is unlikely, at least not until the end of the year, the Jakarta Post reports.

To keep you informed, stimulated, and connected, here is a list of this month's recommended webinar and online events that you can take part in. And if you have one that you want to share with our readers, just drop us a line to be featured. We want to hear about it too!

Until next time!


Jessica Januarty
Chief Operating Officer


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